Music prepares the hearts… We believe the music ministry at East Side is important. It helps those who are singing or listening to focus on the real reason we come to this house of worship. We need to hear the Truth from the Word of God (the Bible). We need to...
The Older generation are the pillars in our church. We do everything we can to remember their dedication, meet their physical needs, and give them the honor they deserve. So many have lived faithful lives in God’s service here at East Side. We want to learn as...
Our Deaf get together for Sunday School Every Week at 9:45am, and are in our 10:45am adult services (all interpreted for the deaf). They are an important part of East Side Baptist Church, and we love each one of them!
This idea was started by Kaaron Sloan in 2010, as a beginner sewing group for the women and young ladies of our church. From there a mission idea was presented, to make little girls dresses for an orphanage in Africa. Since then, our group has made close to 300 pillow...
Frequently updated source of website links that will enhance your Bible Study and understanding of God and His Word. These links are recommended by our pastoral staff. DISCLAIMER: East Side Baptist Church cannot guarantee that everything contained in these online...