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Church Center App

Church Center App

Connect with the life of our church. Church Center is a mobile app and web experience where you can engage with our church throughout the week.

Weekly Study Guide

Weekly Study Guide

View this week's study guide and discussion notes for your Fellowship Group, and come ready to learn from God's Word and from each other.  Meet us at the double glass doors and we will direct you to a group you can join for the evening. Studies...

Photo Galleries

Photo Galleries

Get to know us by checking out photos of our church on Facebook.

Find a Group

Find a Group

Every Wednesday evening we have small group Bible studies for all ages.  Come join a Fellowship Group and build relationships with others who also want to know God.  We need Him and we need each other!  6:00 and 7:30pm every week!

Connect with us!

Connect with us!

If you would rather connect with the life of our Church on a desktop computer, then you can follow this link to the computer version of Church Center and enjoy all of the benefits of connecting with East Side Baptist Church absolutely free!

Plan a Visit

Plan a Visit

We look forward to having you join us for worship and would love to present you with a free gift when you get here!

Kid’s AWANA Clubs

Kid’s AWANA Clubs

We take extra special care to provide your children with a loving, safe, and active environment.  Educating our children in God's Word is even more important today than ever before.  Our teachers work tirelessly to show the Truth of God's Word to...

Nursery and Childcare

Nursery and Childcare

We have a fully staffed and clean Nursery available for young ones (ages 0 to 3yrs old) during all of our Adult services, and most of our special functions.  We are currently working on a separate infant sleeping area as well, but until then, you...

Listen Online

Listen Online

Going to church can feel like a big commitment. If you’re not ready to attend, subscribe to our Podcast and check out a recent sermon, or the weekly 15 minute conversation in the Word of God by our pastors, "Light on the Path"

Request Prayer

Request Prayer

Feel free to share any needs or requests you may have so that our church can pray for you. We hope to connect with you soon!

Impact Student Ministry

Impact Student Ministry

We are passionate about reaching the next generation for Christ. When a young person is raised being taught that he is loved by God and created by Him for a purpose, it can make a difference to a family for generations to come.

College and Young Adults

College and Young Adults

Anchor your life in something that never changes! Everything we do at East Side is centered around God's Word. In a world that is constantly changing at such a rapid pace; we need something to anchor our lives in. That something is the Word of God...

There Is Hope

There Is Hope

Learn more about the hope found only in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Men’s Ministry

Men’s Ministry

Encourage • Equip • Lead Now, more than ever, we need men to stand strong. To lead their wives and families, to lead our church, to stand up against evil, and to set the example for the rest of us to follow. We study the Word together, eat...

Ladies Ministry

Ladies Ministry

Let love be without dissimulation (hyprocrisy). Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good. Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;  Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit;...



Music prepares the hearts... We believe the music ministry at East Side is important. It helps those who are singing or listening to focus on the real reason we come to this house of worship. We need to hear the Truth from the Word of God (the...

Senior Saints

Senior Saints

The Older generation are the pillars in our church. We do everything we can to remember their dedication, meet their physical needs, and give them the honor they deserve. So many have lived faithful lives in God's service here at East Side. We want...

Deaf Ministry

Deaf Ministry

Our Deaf get together for Sunday School Every Week at 9:45am, and are in our 10:45am adult services (all interpreted for the deaf). They are an important part of East Side Baptist Church, and we love each one of them!

Sewing Seeds of Kindness

Sewing Seeds of Kindness

This idea was started by Kaaron Sloan in 2010, as a beginner sewing group for the women and young ladies of our church. From there a mission idea was presented, to make little girls dresses for an orphanage in Africa. Since then, our group has made...

Recommended Resources

Recommended Resources

Frequently updated source of website links that will enhance your Bible Study and understanding of God and His Word. These links are recommended by our pastoral staff.